Human Centred Designer & Creative Developer

Hi👋 I’m Borui!

Welcome to my personal portfolio! I am a driven 4th-year student at the University of Washington, pursuing a dynamic path in Human-Centered Design and Engineering. My insatiable curiosity and ardor for research fuel my exploration of interactive media and physical computing. Throughout my academic journey, I have delved into the crafting of user-centric experiences that blend technology with human needs and aspirations. My portfolio showcases a diverse array of projects and endeavors, reflecting my dedication to creating meaningful and innovative solutions. Join me as I embark on this exciting journey of merging creativity, technology, and empathy to shape a more interconnected future.

My Works

Below are some of my best works :)

Obsolete Obsolescence


Bridging Decades, Connecting Worlds

iContour by Weibel’s Lab @UCSD

iContour is a web-based radiologist training app

Arduino and Physical Computing

See how I designed and prototyped an Arduino volume control, from code to PCB boards!



Impressionify 🎨

Impressionify is a site that generates impressionism style images. Designed and built by myself.

MyPlan Redesign

Were there times when you are mad at your school’s course registration system? Have you ever wanted a better one? Check out how I rebuilt UW’s course system to make it easier to use and look better.


An event planning app, fully user-centered.